Hi, my name is Matt Melendez and welcome to my portfolio!

I’m a Software Engineer with a strong passion for learning. I graduated with double majors in Neurobiology and Cognitive Science from UC Berkeley which really piqued my interest in the tech space. I took different routes hoping to find my purpose, but I got to where I am by continually wanting to learn and challenge myself. This past year, I took the plunge to pivot into SWE and joined a rigorous 1400 hour coding bootcamp where I have built four full-stack web applications using JavaScript, Python, React, Redux, HTML, CSS, Flask, Express, Node, and PostgreSQL. I am a highly motivated individual who doesn’t take opportunities for granted. I am eager to cement my academic knowledge in engineering and will not shy away from learning new technologies. I would love to join a team of talented engineers where I can apply my technical skills to deliver products and innovative solutions to the best of my ability! When I’m not coding, I’m usually hunting for new recipes, biking around my city, or playing a quick game of basketball. Some future personal goals of mine include competing in a triathlon within the next year and obtaining my pilot’s license.